The Latest Update

The Latest Update

The latest update for Degrees of Lewdity brings a number of new features and changes to the game. The new update focuses on giving players more choices and customization in their game experience.

One of the biggest changes is a new exploration system, which gives players more freedom to explore the city and find new activities. There are now more jobs to choose from, and players can also take on side jobs to earn extra money.

In addition, the developers have made some changes to the sex scenes, adding more options and variations. Players now have the ability to customize their sex scenes, allowing them to choose the gender of the characters, select specific fetishes, and even pick specific positions.
The developers have also added some new items to the game, including new clothing and accessories to wear and new items to buy. There are also new missions to complete and new characters to meet.

Players now have the option to choose the gender of the people they are attracted to. This feature allows players to determine whether they prefer male, female, or both genders when it comes to potential romantic interests. Furthermore, players can also choose what kind of fetishes they would like to explore, with the ability to toggle off tentacle fetishes if they so desire.

The update also includes a number of fixes and improvements to the game's UI and stability. The game will now run more smoothly and efficiently, ensuring a better user experience. Additionally, the update also adds a new school system, allowing players to attend classes and pursue honest work.

Finally, players can now also choose to turn to a life of crime or to become sex workers in order to make money. This feature expands the possibilities within the game, giving players more control over their character's fate.

This update for Degrees of Lewdity is sure to bring a new level of customization and excitement to the game. With the addition of gender and fetish choices, the school system, and the ability to pursue a life of crime or sex work, this game is sure to satisfy players looking for a more immersive and exciting experience.

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